Come 🍆💦 & ⚡Play

seeking suitable, sensual, sensible solutions

Let’s talk about sex

The mentally impaired youth is excited to explore their body and sexual needs, but are not given the right tools that suit their atypical mentality. Come & Play encourages to find pleasure, educate yourself and autonomy. Because sex is basic human need.

Sex toy business X health care institution

This project was made possible through a special collaboration between Sex toy business MotsuGroup and Health care institution Elver. Bot saw their clients struggle: a sexual need, but nowhere to “put it”. 

Learning by doing

Sexuality is a learning curve, and when it comes to sex, learning by doing is essential. Various toolkits are accompanied by an educational platform to provide as much autonomy and privacy as possible.

Fighting a taboo

This project is a small step towards normalization of sexual needs for marginalized groups. Let’s create space for sensual solutions - and most importantly: a conversation about sex.


Disconnect to connect: a lifestyle concept for Philips


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